
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Only God...

Ever since we committed to Garnet, we have had the feeling that God might grow our family by more than one child in the coming year. We prayed and prayed about adding another child from the same orphanage to our adoption. We promised ourselves that if God opened the door to another child, we would absolutely walk through it.

But God had other plans for us...

Our family will still be growing by 2 in the coming year...

Meet our newest addition, snuggled up in Mama at 19 weeks.

This little person is due in October. We are so excited to meet this little munchkin!

We are very thankful for how God is growing our family, and that Garnet will have two sweet siblings to come home to.

We are thankful for our home study agency which has proceeded with appropriate caution, but has allowed us to continue the process. The advent of Baby has in no way diminished our excitement about and love for Garnet!
And being in the middle of an adoption process sure makes a pregnancy go fast

We appreciate your prayers for both the pregnancy and adoption process as we continue with both, especially that the timing of travel and delivery would be better than we could imagine.


  1. Congratulations!! We had a baby midway through our adoption as well :)

    1. Thank you! I guess the pregnant and adopting club is probably bigger than I think ;-)

  2. Yes, it is! I know of a few others :) I was visiting with Fallon's (Julia's) new mama when she got the call that they had her file! So happy for them!

  3. Congratulations! :D

    I know you mentioned the news in your email, but reading it here made me excited for you guys all over again. God is good!

  4. Oh congratulations!!!!! Very exciting!!! I'm an October baby too! :D

    1. Thank you! I guess there is a precedent for October babies being awesome, then ;-)


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