
Friday, September 5, 2014

Organic Musings

There is a very good reason why the pictures given of our relationship to Christ are always organic.  We are branches on the vine.  We are living stones in a growing temple.  We are the seed growing to produce abundant yield. 

This is true in all relationships.  If the sap is not constantly flowing, we dry up.  If we do not regularly spend time with our spouse, our children, our friends, our pastor and elders - the relationships dry up and wither. 

It's hard to do this with Ana right now, because she is not on this continent.  But we pray.  And God, who hears and answers prayer, knows how to minister to her no matter where she is.  And we ask God that her baba would remember to show her the picture book we left.  That she would get to snuggle her knit rabbit and hold her knit owl.  And maybe when she comes home and sees Took and Porgies with their knit rabbits and knit owls, she'll make a connection.  We've been her family for a while now - and we're looking forward to being her family for as long as God gives us.

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